
Fitness For Work Drugs & Alcohol

cor compliance drug and alcohol

If one of your drivers was found to be impaired by drugs and/or alcohol and you were asked to show evidence of how you manage driver fitness for work – would your systems stand up?

Operating a heavy vehicle requires a range of mental and physical attributes and drivers must be alert and responsive to changing conditions at any time. As a driver, being ‘fit-for-work’ encompasses a range of factors that can cause impairment such as drugs and/or alcohol, quality sleep, mental and physical health, alertness and concentration, medical conditions and lifestyle issues.

  • Transport Operators have a responsibility to have systems in place to manage driver fitness for work.

  • Drivers have a responsibility to be fit for work, including maintaining 0.00% blood alcohol content and be free from impairment by drugs, in accordance with State Road Laws.

Manage Driver Fitness-for-Work and Alcohol & Other Drugs with the CoR Comply Heavy Vehicle Driver Package.​

What you’ll get to set up your Fitness-For-Work and Alcohol & Other Drugs compliance system :

  • Driver CoR & Safety Handbook with information for drivers about fitness for work responsibilities and expectations and alcohol and other drugs testing.
  • Fitness-for-Work Procedure which gives you a daily fitness-for-work declaration, how to identify fitness-for-work issues and what to do when you do.
  • Alcohol & Other Drugs Procedure which sets the framework for random, causal and critical incident testing with a zero tolerance approach.
  • Induction Checklist & Assessment which clearly states your position on Fitness for Work and Alcohol and Other Drugs in the workplace. 

Want to know more about CoR Compliance? Use our Risk Diagnostic to get instant results of your CoR compliance status! Click below.