Download a FREE sample of the
Heavy Vehicle Management Plan

Please note: All products are being updated and are currently unavailable to purchase.

Please get in touch and let us know if you have further questions about CoR Comply or need help with any specific needs.


Phone: 1300 880 931

Transport Sub-Contractor Package


incl GST


Out of stock

The Sub-Contractor Management package provides the process you need to do your ‘due diligence’ on your heavy vehicle sub-contractors without micro-managing where you can actually increase your level of influence and control and therefore your risk. CoR Comply will help you screen contractors so you know they run a compliant business with competent drivers and safe vehicles using the Sub-Contractor Evaluation and following the Sub-Contractor Procedure.

Includes 1 month FREE implementation support

The Sub-Contractor Management package provides the process you need to do your ‘due diligence’ on your heavy vehicle sub-contractors without micro-managing where you can actually increase your level of influence and control and therefore your risk. CoR Comply will help you screen contractors so you know they run a compliant business with competent drivers and safe vehicles using the Sub-Contractor Evaluation and following the Sub-Contractor Procedure.

  • Implementation Plan
  • Using Transport Sub-Contractors Procedure
  • Transport Sub-Contractor Compliance Evaluation
  • Transport Sub-Contractor Register
  • Transport Sub-Contractor Example Email/Letter

Includes 1 month FREE implementation support

Free CoR Compliance Gap Analysis

Not sure what you need? Use our free Risk Diagnostic
tool to identify where your gaps in CoR compliance are.