Risk Diagnostic
The Risk Diagnostic is series of questions about how you currently manage your CoR obligations. When you’ve finished, we’ll email the results to you highlighting where there could be some gaps and you could be doing more to demonstrate compliance.
Do you have Documented Roles & Responsibilities, aligned to your structure for all CoR roles in your business?
Do you have a documented transport activities risk assessment and active risk management program?
Do you have a CoR Breach Reporting system with timely escalation, communication and preventative actions?
Do you have Monthly Management Report on CoR Performance for your Executive/Board?
Do you have a policy and procedure on speed compliance and breaches?
Do you have a policy and procedure on mass and dimension?
Do you have a policy and procedure on loading and load restraint?
Do you have a policy and procedure on fatigue management?
Do you have procedures for licence checking and dealing with ‘at risk’ drivers or a driver who has lost their licence?
Do you have fitness for Work and Alcohol & Other Drugs Policies & Procedures?
Do you have a Training Matrix to track training and qualifications of staff?
Do you have documented induction program with refreshers?
Do you have up to date Driver CoR & Safety Handbook and assessment?
Do you have a pre-start check inspection checklist and procedure?
Do you have a Vehicle Defect Report and procedure?
Do you have a Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance and Servicing regime that is documented?
Do you have Pre-qualification and screening of sub-contractors for insurance and compliance?
Do you have Sub-contractor systems audit tool and program?
Time’s up